The Maryland Ornithological Society is accepting donations to support the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MD DNR) in conservation efforts related to the Northern Goshawk, a State-listed endangered species. All donations accepted will be used to purchase equipment as identified by the MD DNR for use in Northern Goshawk studies such as the Central Appalachian Goshawk Project nest monitoring study conducted in 2013. Donations will be considered tax deductible by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

MOS is committed to encouraging the protection and conservation of bird life and natural resources that support bird life. By supporting this project, it is our hope that Northern Goshawks will be restored as regular breeders in our state.

Please consider a donation to the Northern Goshawk Conservation fund in whatever amount you wish. Enter the amount you wish to donate and, after clicking the “Donate” button, scroll through list and select “Northern Goshawk Conservation”. You may also add a note or comment. (Please make a selection; unspecified donations will be directed to the MOS Operating Fund or to the Breeding Bird Atlas).

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Donation Total: $25.00