Wyman Park

Wyman Park 602 Wyman Park Dr, Baltimore, MD, United States

Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader Elizabeth Errickson (elizabeth.errickson@gmail.com) Description: Formerly a little-known park, now popular during spring & fall migration. Expect to see a variety of warblers and other migrating birds. The one-mile dirt path can be muddy. We will meet at Remington Ave. Bridge above Wyman Park Drive. Canceled in bad weather. RSVP to […]

Wyman Park

Wyman Park 602 Wyman Park Dr, Baltimore, MD, United States

Host: Baltimore Bird Club Leader: Libby Errickson, Elizabeth.errickson@gmail.com. Description: This Baltimore City park is very birdy during spring and fall migration. Expect to see a variety of warblers and other migrating birds. The one-mile dirt path can be muddy. We'll meet at the Remington Ave. Bridge above Wyman Park Drive. Canceled in bad weather. RSVP […]