Bonnie Ott

The Records Committee operates according to documented Goals and Procedures and meets annually; reports and other reference materials are given below. Committee review of documentation is carried out via email communication throughout the year.

Archived Maryland/District of Columbia (MD/DC) Records Committee Annual Meeting Minutes and Business Reports

View the Records Committee Annual Reports here.

The full set of minutes of the MD/DCRC Skins Study Workshops, held at the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), are archived and available here.

You may wish to see  the specimens studied in either chronological order and taxomomic order but please note the embedded links are not valid. Instead refer to the list below to view individual minutes or find the desired document in the archive.

The following are archives of the first two MD/DCRC Decision Reports from the MOS journal, Maryland Birdlife and the 2003 MD/DCCRC Kelp Gull Decision Report. [Note: subsequent MD/DCRC decision reports were published in the MOS newsletter, The Maryland Yellowthroat.]

A summary of the contents and status of recent MD/DC Records Committee review packages.

This document provides an index of the MD/DC Records Committee identification and reference articles. [Note: This is a large PDF document!]