Mid-winter Count

MD MD, United States

Contact Joe Hanfman, auk1844@gmail.com

Dorchester County May Count

MD MD, United States

Contact Harry Armistead (215-913-4785 or harryarmistead@hotmail.com) if you are interested in participating

Fred Archibald Sanctuary Count

Fred Archibald Sanctuary 6011 Boyers Mill Road, New Market, MD, United States

Contact David Smith (443-995-4108 or lacsmith@comcast.net)

Garrett County May Count

MD MD, United States

To volunteer to count in Garrett County contact Duane Bailey at dbailey3@earthlink.net.

Baltimore County May Count

MD MD, United States

Coordinator: Libby Errickson, elizabeth.errickson@gmail.com. Description: Here's your opportunity to count birds in a Baltimore City or Baltimore County territory of your choice on one of the best migration dates of the year. Feeder bird watchers are also welcome. Contact the coordinator ahead of time to avoid duplication.

Dorchester County May Count

MD MD, United States

Contact Harry Armistead (215-913-4785 or harryarmistead@hotmail.com) if you are interested in participating

Prince Georges County May Count

MD MD, United States

Contact coordinator Matt Felperin (mfelperin@nvrpa.org) to pre-register. Description: Annual county-wide bird census. Pick your favorite park or wildlife area or cover several. Backyard counts also welcome. Pre-registration required in order to confirm area assignment to avoid overlap. Rain or shine. Choose your own start and stop times, but counters are encouraged to spend as much […]