Use this form to send your sighting report directly to the MD/DCRC Secretary. Please be sure to separately send visual documentation to support your submission. If you need more space for any item, use the area under “Additional Comments.”

After using all the space provided, if you still need to include additional notes, send another form or send a more detailed hard copy report to the Secretary. A plain text copy of the form is available with the MD/DCRC Documentation Guide. Remember, this form is for reporting rare and reviewable bird species only. We encourage your participation, but please check the MD and DC  reviewable lists first, before you send in a report.

Not all these items will be seen or noted, nor are they all necessary to report or correctly identify a species, but not including something you did see may lessen the value of your documentation.

Note: It is best to take and record field notes before consulting field guides. Sketches & photos are encouraged.

See the area below the form for a detailed documentation checklist